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Chicago Property Management Blog

Seasonal Issues for Chicago Landlords to Watch Out For

As a Chicago landlord, you need to be aware of common seasonal issues that can impact your rental properties. Preparing for potential problems and addressing them promptly is key to keeping tenants happy and avoiding costly damage. Here are some seasonal issues for landlords to monitor:


•Heating problems: Ensure furnaces and boilers are serviced annually before winter hits. Have an emergency HVAC contractor on call for any heating issues. Space heaters can be fire hazards if misused, so check that tenants are using them properly.

•Snow and ice removal: Be responsible for clearing walkways, driveways, and entryways after snowstorms. Apply salt or sand to prevent slips and falls. Make sure any hired snow removal crews do a thorough job. 

•Frozen pipes: Take measures to prevent pipes from freezing in unheated areas like garages or basements. Insulate pipes or leave water trickling during extreme cold. Have a plumber's emergency number on hand in case pipes freeze or burst.


•Flooding: Heavy spring rains can lead to flooding in basements, backyards, and low-lying areas. Ensure sump pumps are working properly and downspouts direct water away from the building. Sandbags or other barriers may be needed in some cases.  

•Pests: Warm weather brings out rodents, insects, and wildlife. Inspect the property for any holes or cracks leading into the building and seal them. Exterminate for common pests like ants, cockroaches, spiders, and mice. Make sure trash is secured in sealed bins and picked up regularly.

•Lawn and garden care: As the weather warms, lawns, trees, shrubs, and gardens start growing again and require maintenance. Ensure any landscaping crews are scheduled to handle lawn mowing, weeding, pruning, and fertilizing. Check that automatic sprinkler systems are functioning properly.  

Being aware of these common seasonal issues and addressing them proactively will help you avoid headaches and keep your Chicago rental property in good shape. Let your tenants know you are on top of any potential problems and they can feel comfortable in their home all year long. With regular inspections and maintenance, your investment property will thrive in every season.

If this sounds like too much to handle, it's time to consider a property manager! Contact us today for a free consultation and let us simplify your life as a housing provider.

Unlock the Secrets to Successful Renovations and Maintenance! Click here to get your FREE copy of the ebook '15 TIPS CHICAGO LANDLORDS MUST KNOW' and master the essential guidelines for self-managing landlords. 

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