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What Does It Mean to Be a Socially Responsible Company?

What Does It Mean to Be a Socially Responsible Company?

What does it mean to be socially responsible? That’s a great question and one that’s becoming increasingly important to business owners and their consumers alike. Many businesses are prioritizing their environmental, social, and economic impact in a way that’s never been done before. With the goal to serve as a positive global force, companies are increasingly investing in social responsibility initiatives to better serve our society at large, from holding employee volunteer programs to using sustainable packaging methods and more. Read on for more information about what being a socially responsible company means today!

“Mark Ainley from GC Realty & Development, LLC seen above taking part in the Ribbon Cutting ceremony for Well Child Center in Elgin’s new food pantry. Mark has served on the board and GCR&D has been a donator since 2012.”

Check how GC Realty & Development LLC is supporting the community

There are many ways that companies can use their resources to impact the world in a positive way. How you prioritize these investments will depend on your company’s social responsibility values and priorities. Some companies might want to focus on making their supply chain more sustainable by investing in clean energy, while others might want to focus on social justice and invest in initiatives that support low-income communities. Regardless of where you start, the important thing is that you have a plan for how your business will be socially responsible over time.

With the goal of being socially responsible, it is important to pay attention to the needs of your customers. What do they want from you and how are they looking at you as an organization? For example, if they’re not happy with the way you’ve been conducting business in their country or industry, then there is something wrong that needs to be addressed. Listening to customer feedback will help shape what social responsibility initiatives will be most effective for them.

State Representative Anna Moeller, 43rd District, and Senator Cristina Castro with Mark Ainley from GC Realty & Development, LLC receiving the Champion of Children Award at the Well Child Center in Elgin.”

We’ve all heard it before: Businesses should be run like they are a social enterprise. But what does this mean? The most common definition of a socially responsible company is one that not only works to maximize profits but also takes into account the impact they have on society and the environment. 

The more you think about your company's purpose, the easier it will be for you to identify your values and priorities, as well as make decisions that align with your beliefs. For example, we are strong advocates for sustainability because we want our children and grandchildren to inherit healthy oceans that provide them with food and resources.

Prioritize sustainability

First and foremost, being socially responsible means thinking about the social and environmental impact of your business. For example, you may want to use sustainable materials in the production of your products or invest in renewable energy for your facilities. These days, many companies are prioritizing their environmental, social, and economic impact in a way that’s never been done before. With the goal to serve as a positive global force, companies are increasingly investing in social responsibility initiatives to better serve our society at large. Some businesses like Patagonia have taken it one step further by donating 1% of its sales to causes that help protect the environment, defend human rights, support communities, and encourage sustainability. In addition to monetary donations made by employees, Patagonia has created what they call 1% For The Planet—a global network of non-profits who work with businesses like theirs in order to create lasting change.

What kind of company would you like to be?

Being a socially responsible company means taking responsibility for your part in the world and doing your best to improve it. It’s about understanding that we don’t exist in isolation, but as members of society with an impact on one another. The responsibilities you have may change over time, depending on what stage of life you're at - whether you're an employee or entrepreneur; young or old; living in a rich country or struggling to survive in the developing world. But it's important to do what you can when the opportunity arises. In order to be successful as a business, a firm must also be competitive. They cannot ignore either their social responsibility or economic success without risking bankruptcy.

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