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What Is the Chicago Heat Ordinance

What Is the Chicago Heat Ordinance

If you are new to being a Landlord in Chicago, or have never heard of it prior to this article,, you may not know that the City of Chicago has an enforceable Heat Ordinance that must be adhered to.  If you are a tenant, you should know your rights as well.  This Ordinance applies to both Residential and Commercial work spaces, and is enforced between September 15th and June 1st of each year.

The suburbs of Chicago are exempt from this particular ordinance, however, it may not be a bad idea to adopt this process if you are in the DuPage, Kane, Will, McHenry, or Lake County areas. In the Chicago suburbs there is no such ordinance and enforcement of this Chicago ordinance is only in the city proper but it isn't a bad idea to adopt this process even if you are in Dupage, Kane, Will, McHenry, or Lake County as a best practice.  

Below are some questions that we frequently receive from our clients 

Q. What temperature do I need to maintain my building at during the daytime?

  1. 68° is the minimum temperature from 8:30 am to 10:30 pm every day of the week for the entire heating season.

Q. What temperature do I need to maintain my building overnight?

  1. 66° is the minimum temperature from 10:30 pm to 8:30 am every day of the week for the entire heating season.

Q. Do I still have to meet the ordinance requirements if the tenant pays for their own utilities?

  1. Yes. You are responsible for temperatures remaining above the minimum requirements in all circumstances.  

Q. Does a portable space heater count as an acceptable way to meet the Chicago Heat Ordinance minimum requirement?

  1. No. Portable space heaters cannot be used to meet the minimum temperature standards of the Chicago heat ordinance.  Furthermore, other unacceptable methods include cooking appliances and domestic water heating equipment.

Q. Can I get in trouble under the Chicago heating ordinance if my heating equipment breaks suddenly?

  1. Yes. If heating equipment fails when heat is required, there is an immediate violation of the Chicago heat ordinance.  Although you may not be cited by the City of Chicago if fixed right away, the tenant does have rights that you must be aware of.  It is highly recommended that you routinely inspect heating equipment in late summer and perform any maintenance that is recommended  just as we do here at GC Realty & Development, LLC.

Q. Is there a way to reduce my risk of getting in trouble under the Chicago Heat Ordinance?

  1. Yes. Ensure that you are up to date on preventative maintenance and if a situation does arise, act swiftly. .  It is also during a time like this that you want to communicate clearly and frequently with your residents about how you are handling the situation and what they can expect.   Sometimes accommodations to move off site to a hotel or motel may be necessary for you to facilitate should the temperatures allow  

If you are a good landlord/housing provider this may never be an issue for you and your risk should be low. Keep in mind if you do this long enough, or buy enough properties, you will eventually  into an issue somewhere and it’s good to have this information to be prepared in order to make smart decisions in times of crisis.   Provide quality housing accommodations  and communicate well with your tenants and you should have minimal issues around the Chicago Heat Ordinance and most other landlord management issues.  If you do not have time to deal with being preventive, communicative, and then reactive as needed, consider hiring a Property Manager like GC realty & Development to reduce your risk and provide a quality customer experience for your clients.   

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